Fall into Winter; Another Nature Walk


Dates and Location: November 8 & 9, 2024 (in conjunction with the Claycation event to be held at the Doubletree Resorts in Lancaster, PA, November 10-14, 2024).

Note that you do not need to attend Claycation to attend my workshop. Should you want to stay at the Doubletree while attending my workshop, you can receive the Claycation group room rate. To do so, follow this link: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/getting-ready-for-your-polymer-claycation/

Follow this link to learn more about Claycation: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/

Times: Class begins at 10:00 a.m. and runs into the evening, with restroom breaks and breaks for lunch and dinner

Registration: Making a payment through this website acts as your registration for the workshop. You will receive an automatic emailed confirmation of your payment. I will contact you via email within a few days of receiving your payment, just to check in and say ‘hi’:) but feel free to write to me anytime!

Please make sure that the form of payment you use (credit card, PayPal, Venmo, etc.), has your current and preferred email address listed so I can be in touch with you (especially if we haven’t corresponded together in the past)..thank you!

The Materials List will be emailed to you by the end of August, 2024.

Forms of Payment:

First, an important note: As mentioned above, please be sure that your form of payment contains your current and preferred email address.

This website accepts credit card and PayPal payments as well as Apple Pay and Venmo (if you’re using a mobile device and have enabled those options).

Paying by check: If you would like to pay by check, the payment amount is $260; please email for my mailing address. I will let you know when I’ve received your check and confirmed your registration. Thanks much!

Contact Jana:

janarobertsbenzon@icloud.com or


See below for the Workshop Description and lots more information!

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Dates and Location: November 8 & 9, 2024 (in conjunction with the Claycation event to be held at the Doubletree Resorts in Lancaster, PA, November 10-14, 2024).

Note that you do not need to attend Claycation to attend my workshop. Should you want to stay at the Doubletree while attending my workshop, you can receive the Claycation group room rate. To do so, follow this link: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/getting-ready-for-your-polymer-claycation/

Follow this link to learn more about Claycation: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/

Times: Class begins at 10:00 a.m. and runs into the evening, with restroom breaks and breaks for lunch and dinner

Registration: Making a payment through this website acts as your registration for the workshop. You will receive an automatic emailed confirmation of your payment. I will contact you via email within a few days of receiving your payment, just to check in and say ‘hi’:) but feel free to write to me anytime!

Please make sure that the form of payment you use (credit card, PayPal, Venmo, etc.), has your current and preferred email address listed so I can be in touch with you (especially if we haven’t corresponded together in the past)..thank you!

The Materials List will be emailed to you by the end of August, 2024.

Forms of Payment:

First, an important note: As mentioned above, please be sure that your form of payment contains your current and preferred email address.

This website accepts credit card and PayPal payments as well as Apple Pay and Venmo (if you’re using a mobile device and have enabled those options).

Paying by check: If you would like to pay by check, the payment amount is $260; please email for my mailing address. I will let you know when I’ve received your check and confirmed your registration. Thanks much!

Contact Jana:

janarobertsbenzon@icloud.com or


See below for the Workshop Description and lots more information!

Dates and Location: November 8 & 9, 2024 (in conjunction with the Claycation event to be held at the Doubletree Resorts in Lancaster, PA, November 10-14, 2024).

Note that you do not need to attend Claycation to attend my workshop. Should you want to stay at the Doubletree while attending my workshop, you can receive the Claycation group room rate. To do so, follow this link: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/getting-ready-for-your-polymer-claycation/

Follow this link to learn more about Claycation: https://www.polymer-claycation.com/

Times: Class begins at 10:00 a.m. and runs into the evening, with restroom breaks and breaks for lunch and dinner

Registration: Making a payment through this website acts as your registration for the workshop. You will receive an automatic emailed confirmation of your payment. I will contact you via email within a few days of receiving your payment, just to check in and say ‘hi’:) but feel free to write to me anytime!

Please make sure that the form of payment you use (credit card, PayPal, Venmo, etc.), has your current and preferred email address listed so I can be in touch with you (especially if we haven’t corresponded together in the past)..thank you!

The Materials List will be emailed to you by the end of August, 2024.

Forms of Payment:

First, an important note: As mentioned above, please be sure that your form of payment contains your current and preferred email address.

This website accepts credit card and PayPal payments as well as Apple Pay and Venmo (if you’re using a mobile device and have enabled those options).

Paying by check: If you would like to pay by check, the payment amount is $260; please email for my mailing address. I will let you know when I’ve received your check and confirmed your registration. Thanks much!

Contact Jana:

janarobertsbenzon@icloud.com or


See below for the Workshop Description and lots more information!

Workshop Description:

My inexplicable quest to create hyper-realistic objects from the natural world primarily using polymer clay, continues in this exciting new workshop offering (though you may have learned the Pinecone and Acorn in a previous Zoom workshop….but a fresher-upper never hurts, especially when it’s in-person!).

Creating with very minimal use of paint or other materials (for accents or antiquing ‘touches’) forces me to develop the innovative techniques and novel ways of working with clay that I can then share with you. Some of these techniques are downright crazy but they work, and more importantly, open doors to understanding myriad out-of-the-box ways to make polymer work for you in achieving the results you desire (not to mention the fun we have breaking traditional barriers for polymer clay use!). As with all of my workshops, the lightbulb, aha, and joyous moments of discovery come rapid-fire as I open the doors wide for fresh, new methods and ideas, ones that will vastly benefit all of your clay ventures.

In developing this workshop, my ‘clay-only’ quest assisted me in discovering new techniques for creating the beautifully realistic fall and winter themed pieces I will teach, including: Hollyberry/Leaf Branches, Pumpkins, Squash, Pinecones, Fall leaves, Amanita Mushrooms, Grape Clusters, Acorns, a gorgeous Cornucopia, and a Pine Twig (a completely new technique from my previous pine twig version!). You will learn to create the items as life-sized and/or (for most of them) in miniature, as well. Once the objects are created, you will learn to assemble them as you’d like in arrangements that can be used for jewelry, table top decor (such as the cornucopia filled with pumpkins, squash, etc.!), or whatever you fancy.

I would be so thrilled to see you in this ‘first in 4.5 years’ in-person workshop! I’ve so many hugs and greetings I’m dying to share with the old (and new!) friends I’ve missed tremendously…its been way too long! Thanks so much for entertaining the idea of joining in.

 With this workshop you will:

•Receive a dozen comprehensive written handouts containing over 200 corresponding, detailed images.  These handouts and images will ‘hold your hand’ and walk you through the processes, which will be especially useful after the workshop as you’re creating at home.

•Have access to the workshop’s private Facebook Group Page where we share ideas, ask questions, view and post related images, and so much more! 

•Learn the many unique techniques which I discover and perfect through my endless research and development forays which is something I find challenging and rewarding.  I love sharing with workshop attendees all I’ve learned and discovered along the way!

•Receive four of my bonus “Jana’s Essentials” videos (over two hours of innovative instruction!), each one worth the price of admission alone.  Each video covers a specific (and key) polymer clay topic and provides new ideas and solutions to help you ace that topic – and possibly solve conundrums you’ve dealt with for years.  The topics covered in the videos include:

Pasta Machines: How to properly use your pasta machine and make it work for you to produce nicely squared-off sheets of clay each and every time.  And, you will learn a nifty trick to keep those pasta machine gears from stripping…woot!   This one trick will help you to extend the life of your pasta machine – possibly indefinitely.  My old machine has been in use for 8 years now, when BNT (Before Nifty Trick :), I used to go through two a year:).

Conditioning and Leaching: Innovative ways to condition and “bring back” old, hard clay and canes, and how to speed-leach your too-soft clay.

Skinner Blends: How to create a successful Skinner blend quickly and easily, every time.  I cover blending concepts we often don’t consider and (drumroll) how to easily change or alter the colors of a completed blend…wow!

Curing:  My ‘all you need to know about of curing’ video.  This video contains new, critical, and in depth information on proper oven usage and unique curing methods which result in very durable, long lasting polymer creations (never worry again that your pieces may break after giving them away or sending them home with a happy customer!).  You will be surprised to learn how interesting the dry topic of curing can be - and that curing is the most important and critical step in clay-work!

A few things you may want to know before registering:

Workshop Skill Level:  Curiosity and a desire to learn are as important as skill level when it comes to learning. So, if you have those plus a basic knowledge of and comfort with working with polymer clay, Skinner blends, and pasta machines, you’ll do just fine. I strive very hard to explain the processes in a manner that is easily digestible for everyone and am happy to answer as many questions as are necessary for all to be comfortable with their workshop tasks. And, to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience, you will also have the exhaustive printed materials I provide, the bonus Jana's Essentials videos, access to help via the Facebook Group Page, and the ‘no pressure’ atmosphere of my workshops. Meaning, you’re covered so don’t be afraid to take the plunge!

Materials:  Many of the materials required for the workshop are typical of those you likely already have among your polymer clay supplies or in your home.  The materials, plus suggested outlets to purchase from, will be detailed on the Materials List which will be emailed to you at least 2 months prior to the workshop. 

In case you’re anxious to order supplies prior to receiving the Materials List, below is a list of the not-so-typical supplies necessary for the workshop (the lists below for supplies and polymer clay are not exhaustive – meaning, supplies or their amounts may be different on the Materials List).  For some of the supplies listed below, I have ideas for easily obtainable, low cost substitutions/alternatives which you may have in your home. I will detail these substitution suggestions on the Materials List (the materials with substitution suggestions are marked below with an *asterisk). 

Not-so-typical supplies include:

-Ball Stylus in various sizes (from a 1-2mm to ¾-1” ball size)*         

-a small round Lightbulb (anywhere from 1 ¼” to 2” in diameter)*               

-Translucent Liquid Sculpey        

-Ultralite clay           

-brown Embossing or Distress-type powder                

-a foot or two of 16 and 28-30 gauge Wire        

-a small amount of Potting Soil

-a Paddle Dental Tool (just as the name implies, the ends of this tool are shaped like a paddle.  On Amazon, you can find several options sold as a ‘Dental Composite Filling Instrument’ or ‘Paddle Dental Tool’)*           

-a size 0 ‘Clay Shaper’ type rubber tipped tool (with a tapered tip)*                     

-White glue, such as Elmers brand -a new, high quality Tissue Blade such as a medical ‘Thomas Scientific’ blade        

-a cup or two of coarse aquarium, potting, or other Sand (not beach, which is too fine)    

-½ cup or more of white Playdoh or other air dry clay

-a few small Metal Tubes (about 3-5” long) ranging from about 2-4mm in diameter

-a metal Chop Stick with a rounded end, available from Amazon*

                                                                                                        Polymer Clay: As for the most important material, polymer clay, I have always highly recommended Kato Clay because it is typically more firm/less sticky than other brands and has a ‘rubbery’ quality that helps it perform in ways other brands cannot, and which makes it very easy to handle and manipulate. Properly cured Kato is hard as stone, removing barriers to creating anything one desires and for me that is typically the impossibly thin and delicate-appearing items I love. Despite all of this, Kato gets a bad “difficult to condition” rap – until you learn my tricks (in the ‘conditioning’ Essentials video)!

Now, as many may know, Kato clay is being discontinued.  It can still be obtained through Donna’s website ( https://prairiecraft.com ) or Munro Crafts (https://www.munrocrafts.com), which offers a huge discount when you purchase a certain amount.  Van Aken, who produces Kato Clay, is creating a new clay (in three consistencies from soft to firm), which will take the place of Kato. Until that happens, you may want to stock up on Kato clay if at all possible - that’s what I’m doing!

Having said all of that, you may use your preferred brand (but please no FIMO Soft or Sculpey III).  I cannot guarantee that you will have the same results or ease of use if using another brand, BUT, what I can guarantee is that I will bend over backward to help you make your brand of clay work, as needed, during the workshop.  Leaching too-soft clay (even Kato) will make a huge and beneficial difference in your success (that leaching instruction will be covered on the Materials List and in my Jana’s Essentials video on clay conditioning).

If you do want to order clay prior to receiving the Materials List, I’ve listed the required colors below and their minimum amounts (the Materials List will dial in the exact amounts for each color).  The amounts below will give you a place to start if ordering:   

-6 oz:  White               

-4-5 oz. each of:  Kelly Green, Medium Brown, Red, Yellow, Black                  

-2-3 oz. each of:  Translucent, Orange, Rust or Copper                     

-1 oz. Purple

Homework:  You will be given homework to complete prior to the workshop which will include watching the Jana’s Essentials videos you will be given links to, conditioning your clay, and possibly making Skinner blends for the workshop (then making them into bullseye canes and/or accordion-fold loaves). These will be detailed on the Materials List you will receive.

Facebook Group Page: If we are not friends on Facebook, you will want to “friend” me so I can send your invitation to the workshop’s Facebook Group Page (the invitation will appear in your Facebook ‘Notifications’ and will be sent a few weeks prior to the workshop). If you are not on Facebook, I will work with you to make sure you receive all pertinent information that is posted on the Group Page.

Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel, you may do so up to 6 weeks prior to the workshop and receive a full refund of the workshop cost minus bank/paypal fees. If you need to cancel within 4 weeks of the workshop, 75% of your fee will be refunded, though there is no refund for cancellation within ten days of the workshop. I don't want to be an ogre over cancellations, so please be in touch if you have extenuating circumstances:)

Contact me with any questions - I’d love to hear from you! Thanks much and take care, Jana

janarobertsbenzon@icloud.com or jana@janarobertsbenzon.com